Most effective approaches for increase Covid Vaccination:

Most effective approaches for increase Covid Vaccination:

Dispelling the prevailing misinformation about coronavirus vaccines, Experts have said that inoculation is the only way out of the crippling COVID-19 pandemic.
There are some approaches has suggested for it
1. Remove practical barriers to immunization.
The biggest barrier to immunization is access. This is true both for the most vulnerable who lack access to basic healthcare services, and in areas where vaccines are available but not convenient for people to get. Key challenges include vaccine stock-outs, lack of personal protective equipment, travel restrictions, the distances to health centres, limited opening hours, and inconvenient booking systems.
Simple solutions can have a huge impact. For example, making it easier for people to book and travel to appointments.
2. Rethink how we talk about vaccines.
Changing the views of those who are highly skeptical about vaccines is very difficult to achieve, and approaches such as ‘myth-busting’ can make things worse.
It’s better to focus on amplifying positive and accurate information about vaccines, and building people’s resilience to false information.
3. Present vaccination as a social norm.
People tend to do what they think is common, so it’s important to reinforce the message that vaccination is one of the most widely accepted health activities worldwide specially for covid 19 management . Healthcare workers have one of the most powerful and trustworthy voices for achieving this.
4. Carry out research
Most available research is reliant on evidence from high-income settings. Future research should prioritise understanding of what works to improve vaccination rates in different countries and why, with a focus on improving the evidence base for our country
The Covid-19 vaccine rollout is the biggest rollout in history, and it’s a huge opportunity to gather evidence on how to achieve more equitable global access to vaccines, and to make sure this work delivers maximum benefits for everyone.
Source: WHO